How to Make Money on Patreon: Guide for Content Creators

Are you a content creator looking to monetize your art, music, videos, or podcasts? If so, Patreon could be the perfect platform for you. With its membership-based crowdfunding model, Patreon allows you to build a recurring income stream from your dedicated fan base. In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through how Patreon works, provide tips for success, and explore the earning potential of this popular platform.

What is Patreon?

Patreon is a membership platform that empowers creative individuals to monetize their work and connect with their fans. Whether you’re an artist, musician, podcaster, YouTuber, blogger, or any other type of content creator, Patreon offers you the opportunity to receive financial support from your audience in exchange for exclusive content and perks.

Founded in 2013 by musician Jack Conte and his college roommate Sam Yam, Patreon was born out of the need to find a solution for monetizing Jack’s struggling YouTube channel. Since then, it has grown into a thriving community of over 200,000 creators and 6 million patrons, with more than $2 billion paid out to creators to date.

How Does Patreon Work?

Getting started on Patreon is a straightforward process. First, you’ll need to sign up for a Patreon account and create your creator page. Patreon provides starter kits to help you set up your page quickly and easily. These templates guide you through the process of describing the type of content you create, choosing your currency, and customizing your page with images and videos.

Once your page is set up, you can offer different membership tiers to your patrons, each with its own set of benefits and perks. These can include access to exclusive content, members-only livestreams, community forums, personalized messages, merchandise, and more. By offering a range of tiers with varying price points, you can cater to different levels of support and engage your audience more effectively.

It’s important to note that Patreon is a free platform to use. However, the company does take a percentage of your earnings as well as a payment processing fee. The percentage you pay depends on the subscription level you choose, ranging from 5% to 12%. It’s crucial to factor these fees into your pricing strategy to ensure you’re still making a profit.

Who Can Make Money with Patreon?

Patreon is open to content creators of all kinds, including podcasters, video creators, musicians, visual artists, writers, journalists, game creators, nonprofits, educators, and even local businesses. The platform caters to a diverse range of creators and has hosted successful projects spanning from political podcasts to adult games to music albums.

To create an account on Patreon, you need to be at least 13 years old. However, to join a creator’s membership as a patron or provide membership as a creator, you’ll need to be at least 18 years old or have permission from a parent or guardian. Apart from these requirements, all you need is a bank account to receive payments.

However, it’s worth noting that having an existing audience outside of Patreon is crucial for success on the platform. Without a dedicated following, it can be challenging to attract patrons. Ben Taylor, a successful Patreon creator and owner of, emphasizes the importance of having an audience before joining Patreon. He advises, “Finding your initial group of members is much more difficult if you don’t have an existing audience.”

How Much Can You Earn with Patreon?

The amount you can earn on Patreon depends on various factors, including the size and engagement of your audience, the value you provide to your patrons, and the pricing strategy you employ. While there’s no guaranteed formula for success, many creators have achieved significant earnings through Patreon.

Maximizing Your Earnings with Patreon

While Patreon provides the platform for monetization, it’s important to employ certain strategies to maximize your earnings. Here are some tips to help you succeed on Patreon:

  1. Create a high-quality intro video: Use the video feature on Patreon to introduce yourself, showcase the benefits you offer to your members, and explain how their financial support will help you create better content.
  2. Promote your Patreon on social media: Leverage your existing social media following to promote your Patreon page. Include a link to your Patreon in your social media bios, posts, and videos to encourage your fans to become patrons.
  3. Offer multiple benefit tiers: Providing different membership options allows you to cater to different levels of support. Price each tier strategically, ensuring that patrons see value in each option.
  4. Choose attractive incentives: Offer exclusive content and perks that are highly appealing to your following. Consider offering special benefits for patrons who choose higher-priced tiers.
  5. Engage with your patrons: Regularly communicate with your patrons through Patreon’s messaging feature. According to Patreon data, creators who send messages through the platform are more likely to succeed at earning at least $100 in their first month.
  6. Utilize Patreon resources: Take advantage of the educational resources Patreon provides, such as workshops, blog posts, and tutorials. These resources offer valuable insights and tips from successful creators, helping you optimize your Patreon campaign.

FAQs about Patreon

Which is better: Kickstarter or Patreon? Kickstarter and Patreon serve different purposes. Kickstarter is ideal for funding one-time projects or products, while Patreon is designed for ongoing content creation. Consider which platform aligns better with your goals and the type of support you’re seeking.

How much money do artists make on Patreon? The earning potential for artists on Patreon varies widely based on factors such as audience size and engagement, niche market, and the value provided to patrons. While some artists earn substantial amounts, most will earn a more modest income. However, Patreon provides an opportunity to monetize your art and connect with your fans, making it worth exploring.

Is Patreon good for podcasters? Patreon is a popular platform among podcasters, offering features like a private RSS feed and community messaging. Many podcasters have achieved significant earnings through Patreon, making it a viable option for monetizing your podcast and connecting with your audience.

Why do YouTubers use Patreon? YouTube’s monetization options may not adequately compensate YouTubers for their content creation efforts. Patreon allows YouTubers to offer exclusive content, gated livestreams, and member-only merchandise to their patrons, offering an additional revenue stream and a way to connect more closely with their audience.

How to Sign Up for Patreon

Signing up for Patreon is a simple process that can be completed in a few steps:

  1. Visit the Patreon website at and click on “Create on Patreon” or explore the Starter Kits link for a guided setup process.
  2. Create an account by providing your name, email, and password. You can also sign up using your Google or Facebook account.
  3. Customize your creator page by adding a cover photo, profile picture, and links to your social media accounts.
  4. Create membership tiers and define the benefits and perks for each tier.
  5. Preview your page and make any necessary edits.
  6. Launch your page and start promoting it to your existing audience and social media followers.

Remember, success on Patreon requires more than just creating a page. It’s essential to consistently create high-quality content, engage with your audience, and promote your Patreon page across various channels to attract and retain patrons.

Other Side Hustles to Consider

If Patreon doesn’t align with your goals or interests, there are plenty of other side hustles that can help you monetize your creative skills. Here are a few alternatives to consider:

  1. Start an Etsy shop: If you’re an artist or creator, opening an Etsy shop allows you to sell your handmade items directly to customers. Etsy provides a global marketplace for artists to showcase and sell their work.
  2. Start a blog: If you have a passion for writing, starting a blog can be a great way to share your ideas and monetize your content. You can earn money through affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or selling digital products.
  3. Offer freelance services: Leverage your creative skills by offering freelance services in your niche. Whether it’s graphic design, writing, photography, or web development, freelancing allows you to work on your terms and get paid for your expertise.
  4. Teach online courses: If you have specialized knowledge or skills, consider creating and selling online courses. Platforms like Udemy and Teachable provide a platform for you to share your expertise and earn income.

Remember, building a successful side hustle takes time and dedication. It’s important to choose a path that aligns with your passions and interests, allowing you to enjoy the journey while earning money.


Patreon offers content creators a unique opportunity to monetize their work and connect with their most dedicated fans. By providing exclusive content, perks, and tiers, creators can generate a recurring income stream and build a thriving community. Whether you’re an artist, musician, podcaster, or any other type of content creator, Patreon can be a valuable platform to support your creative endeavors. As you embark on your Patreon journey, remember to engage with your audience, provide value, and continuously improve your offerings. With dedication and strategic planning, Patreon can become a significant source of income for your creative pursuits.


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